Paris 2013

It flourishes: a step change in the young history of YEH – the first meeting on international grounds has been hold in Paris. Two days full of presentations, workshops and networking covering multiple aspects of the pharma sector were enjoyed by the participants.

10:45 Welcome address by Sandra Hoffmann and Alexander Almerood

11:00 Interactive presentation „New approaches for more excellence in customer insight and relationship management“, Felix Rademacher, Founder and MD of coliqio

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Presentation: „Live communication in training sessions: drivers of sustainable message setting“, Marc Gessert, Eventmanagement s&k healthcare

14:00 Interactive Peer-Group Coaching, „Einer für alle – alle für einen: Der Community-Effekt im Coaching“, Maren Schulz, Business-Coach (EBS)

15:30 Bidding adieu: Dr. Philipp Goetting und Dr. Kristian Koch

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Tags: Autumn

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